The audition material is now live for the 2013 SD All State Jazz Band.  You can find this information by going to  Everything should be fairly straight forward but please take the time to read the audition material page.  Couple of notes for you all:

  1. All documents are in PDF….email me if you have trouble viewing/opening anything.
  2. If you have bass guitar or guitar players that will be doing the improvisation portions of the audition, the chords for that are found on the bottom of page 1 of the piano audition material.
  3. We will have the option to post auditions digitally via the SD Festival website this year (which should save your school and our organization money).  This site will be live and running around mid-Feb.  If any of you want to post before that, you can either wait until the site is live or simply mail the recordings to Brooks at Central High School.  We would recommend waiting….the process will be easy and painless!
  4. If any of you need recordings of any of these charts or backgrounds, contact me directly (I don’t want anyone not auditioning because you don’t have access to these things…I will figure out a way to get them to you)
  5. If you are curious, guest artists and schedule are posted on our site.
  6. PLEASE HAVE YOUR KIDS AUDITION!  I know if you are like me, you are caught up right now in ASB audition preparations, festivals, contests, pep band….you name it!  At least download the material and give it to your kids now.  Having a high number of auditions is what primarily funds our organization.  Audition numbers are about the same as in past years (lower than we would like)…but last year we were really short on piano, set, bass and guitar auditions.  Encourage your kids to audition!

If anyone has any questions at all, email Ryan Stahle directly at