South Dakota Bandmasters Scholarship

The South Dakota Bandmasters Association sponsors a scholarship program for freshman, sophomore, and junior instrumental music education majors. The SDBA awards two $1,000 scholarships annually. Please review the eligibility requirements listed below.

Note: Applicants should apply online. Recordings should be submitted in .mp3 format.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be a freshman, sophomore or junior instrumental education major at a South Dakota College or University, with a career goal of being a band director.
  • Applicant must have the written recommendation of his/her college band director.
  • Applicant must be a current member of the South Dakota Bandmaster’s Association
  • Priority will be given to those students who have not previously received the scholarship.

Application Procedure

  • Applicant must submit an audio recording of a solo, with or without accompaniment. The media used may be either a compact disk or, if emailed, an electronic file in .wav format
  • Applicant must submit a completed scholarship application form, with a written recommendation by applicant’s college band director.
  • Applicant must submit a written essay of not less than 300 words on the following topic: What has influenced me to become a band director?

Selection Procedure

  • All recordings and essays will be screened by a committee consisting of an SDBA board member and 4 active members of SDBA.
  • None of these committee members will have had any of the applicants as students, past or present.
  • The scholarship winners will be announced at the SD Intercollegiate Band concert.
  • Scholarship moneys will be sent to the winners at the beginning of the Fall Semester after the college director/instructor verifies fall enrollment with the SDBA Secretary-Treasurer.

All materials must be received by March 17th, 2025.

Past Recipients

Year Awarded Recipient University
2022 Ethan Dingman SDSU
2022 Nick Lange SDSU
2021 Alyssa Mueller BHSU
2020 Joanna Boll SDSU
2020 Anna VanRavenswaay Augustana University
2019 Sophie Drotzmann Augustana University
2019 Elizabeth Pauli SDSU
2018 MaryEllen Kennedy SDSU
2018 Sarah Rathert BHSU
2017 Katie Appl NSU
2017 Tanna Waltman SDSU
2016 John Gorr NSU
2016 Michael Hoffman USD
2015 Deleyna LeBelle NSU
2015 Molly Royals NSU
2014 Spencer Kruse Augustana University
2014 Sarah Schmidt SDSU
2013 Robert Conrad NSU
2013 Spencer Wahl SDSU
2012 Tyler Schwan NSU
2012 John Patzlaff NSU
2011 Brandi Stueckrath USD
2o11 Amy Weitgrefe NSU
2010 Charity Wells NSU
2010 Alicia Grothenhuis SDSU
2009 Kelsey Pickford NSU
2009 Phil Carlson NSU
2008 Kelsey Campbell SDSU
2008 Anne Jundt NSU
2007 ? ?
2006 ? ?
2005 Jody Coburn NSU
2005 Brian Hanegan NSU
2004 ? ?
2003 Jenna Jensen NSU
2003 Jessica Wanttie NSU
2002 Hilarie Barrett SDSU
2002 Lacey Kruse SDSU
2001 Miriam Hedges USD
2001 Curtis Parkhurst NSU
2000 Rodd Bauck NSU
2000 Dusty Hoffman Augustana University
1999 Jennifer Fischer NSU
1999 Julie Czmowski NSU
1998 Matt Hinds NSU
1998 Jessie Klumper USD
1997 Tim Beckler NSU
1997 Carrie Daschel NSU
2022 Ethan Dingman SDSU